Flamenco: the Land Is Still Fertile --EPI #2
In this 30-minute episode, we look at flamenco and its relationship to fishermen, fish mongers (sellers), mining, blacksmiths, and even prisoners in jail. There is also a further section giving more information about gitanos (Spanish Gypsies). Soloists in this episode are la Elu de Jerez (cante-singing), Manuel de Malena (cante-singing), Manuel Agujetas (cante-siging), Antonio Agujetas (cante-singing) and Jairo Amaya (dance). As in episode #1, there are little scenes inserted with the cante (singing) that illustrate what the singer is recounting, plus the verses are translated. The entire episode was shot in southern Spain, in Spanish with English subtitles.
Flamenco: the Land Is Still Fertile - EPI #2